Building Identity through Place and Storytelling:
New Mexico Educator Rising Student
Journeys in Art and Education
This exhibition reflects a collaboration between UNM Art Education, UNM Taos College of Education, and two New Mexico Educators Rising high school chapters. The project was sponsored by UNM Center for Regional Studies. The New Mexico Educator Rising teachers and students interacted with artists and cultural workers, while learning about New Mexico’s rich cultural and artistic resources. Students and educators were provoked to consider the relationship between artistic processes and storytelling to education. During virtual workshops each artist/cultural worker shared a personal story that connected their identity and work to New Mexico's culture and geography. In addition, the artists and cultural workers shared a provocation that related to their work and encouraged awareness of the relationship between one’s identity and being an educator. This project aimed to support the high-need for educators in our New Mexico school systems by creating a direct link between future teachers to UNM’s art education and classroom teacher preparation programs. This exhibition reflects all of the participating artists, cultural workers, and educators. In addition, the New Mexico Educator Rising students' powerful artworks, words, and poems that illustrate their identity and stories created during the project is featured. |
Project Researchers
Gigi Schroeder Yu, PhDUNM Art Education Program |
Pam Remstein, PhDEarly Childhood Education & DevelopmentProgram Coordinator for Teacher Pathways |